  My Trip to Felsted           ★★★ 【字体:
My Trip to Felsted
My Trip to Felsted
作者:钱宗昊    信息来源:本站原创    点击数:437    更新时间:2018-8-16    摄影:扬州中学信息中心/校长办/学工处  图片后期优化技术:陈银
The hot wind brought the arrival of the summer, and the Felsted summer school program was held on time. As a famous school all around the world, Felsted is well known for its global education, tremendous students who are cultivated and developed here. Fortunately, l was given the opportunity to visit it this summer and share my two-week colorful life with you.

During my trip, a couple of foreign friends were deeply rooted in my mind, our precious friendship was conserved in my memory. One of them is a boy from Thailand, who was from international department as well and at grade 9. What surprised me is that he was capable of speaking very standard English as well as fluent Chinese. When l talked with my Chinese friends, he could sometimes understand our conversation and trade ideas with us. More interestingly, when l had difficulty understanding what some native speakers said due to lack of my vocabulary, he was able to translate it into Chinese. I once tried to ask him several questions in Chinese so as to evaluate his Chinese level, he had completely no problem answering me back. Furthermore, he told me that his school ends at 2:30 and school is not allowed to give students any homework during summer holiday. This message was hard for me to accept since we devoted plenty of time to studying English language and had no choice but to finish enormous assignments every single day. Their language ability, nonetheless, was much better than ours.

Another thing that impressed me is the social program in the evening. Originally, l believed this program was supposed to be something relaxing since everyone was fatigued after a whole day. Actually, the extent of wonderfulness went far beyond my imagination. Fascinating activities of different types made me realize that it was virtually the start of a colorful. For instance, members of two boarding house played against each other and each house is divided into four groups, each group needed to participate in four sports competitions one by one. If the group wins, the house could attain some points. At last, when four groups finish all four competitions, their score would be added and calculated the total point of each house in order to determine which house wins. One game is table tennis, an extremely prevalent sports in China. However, we played this game in a distinct way. Many people surrounded a pin pang table and we are supposed to run around it to beat it. If we fail to bounce the ball back, we will lose one life, everyone has three lives in the beginning. Finally, when all members of one group are out, the other group wins. To be honest, In China l have never imagined table tennis can be played in such a funny way and sometimes not everyone can participate because this game is normally played between two persons.

On top of that, there is something touching that happened to me. I thought I was brave to choose football as my club since l was weak at many sports due to lack of daily exercise. I chose it for fun originally because people l saw who attend this club were mostly from elementary school. On the contrary, when we started to play a football match, l discovered that they were actually quite talented in playing it and their desire to win was so intense that they ran much faster than me so as to contend for the ball. And l, like a jackstraw, could only observe their fantastic performance. I was depressed and lost some points for my team. Whereas they never blamed me and whenever l delivered the ball to the correct person or had an excellent shoot, there was always a voice “Nice, Peter‘’ surrounding me and gave me the courage and bravery to keep moving incessantly. The encouraging words just resemble the burning flame that motivated me to keep loving and devote myself into it.

Last but not least, do you remember what happened this summer? The World Cup Final! What l am going to introduce is not crazy football fans, although their shouting cheer really astonished me. While they were enjoying the match, l was playing a game called “Monopoly” at the back of the room. The fun l acquired is not only from the interesting rule of the game itself, we need to utilize different types of strategies as well of our fortune. More significantly, when l first came to this school, l was nervous and shy to speak out my ideas and sometimes had problem expressing myself. Via this opportunity, we have become more open and willing to talk with each other and l have made friends with several children from other countries.

In sum, the fascinating environment, pretty friends and affable teachers……everything in Felsted amazed and impressed me to a large degree. I love the architecture here, love the food here and love to see Felsted again!

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    My Trip to Felsted