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作者:叶文斌  文章来源:本站原创  点击数2181  更新时间:2011-6-5 21:18:04  文章录入:she  责任编辑:she


1.       God won’t ask what kind of car you drove. He will ask how many people you drove who did not have transportation. 上帝不会问你开的是哪种车,他会问你搭载过多少没有交通工具的人。

2.       God won’t ask the square footage of your house. He’ll ask how many people you welcome into your home. 上帝不会问你的房子有多大,他会问你邀请过多少人来你家里。

3.       God won’t ask about the clothes you had in your closet. He’ll ask how many people you helped to clothe. 上帝不会问你衣柜里面有多少衣服,他会问你曾经帮助过多少需要衣物的人。

4.       God won’t ask what your highest salary was. He’ll ask if you compromised your character to obtain it. 上帝不会问你收入有多高,他会问你那是否为不义之财。

5.       God won’t ask what your job title was. He’ll ask if you performed your job to the best of your ability. 上帝不会问你的职位,他会问你是否充分发挥了自己的才能。

6.       God won’t ask how many friends you had. He’ll ask how many people to whom you were a friend. 上帝不会问你有多少朋友,他会问你是多少人的朋友。

7.       God won’t ask in what neighborhood you lived. He’ll ask how you treated your neighbors. 上帝不会问你住在哪个社区,他会问你是如何对待你的左邻右舍的。

8.       God won’t ask about the color of your skin. He’ll ask about the content of your character. 上帝不会问你的肤色,他会问你的人格特征。

9.       God won’t ask why it took you so long to seek salvation. He’ll loving take you to your mansion in heaven, and not to the gates of Hell. 上帝不会问你为什么花那么长的时间去寻找超度,他说那么期盼你将你引领到天堂里面的家,而非地狱之门。

10.   God won’t have to ask how many people you forward this to. He already knows your decision. 上帝不需要问你会将这个信息传给多少人,你的心思他早已知晓。

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