  Felsted         ★★★ 【字体:
作者:高二(7)…    信息来源:本站原创    点击数:780    更新时间:2015-9-22    摄影:扬州中学信息中心/校长办/学工处  图片后期优化技术:陈银
This summer our school group went to the Felsted School in Britain to join a summer school. We were very nervous and excited before we arrived there.The day we arrived was a sunny day. The sky was so blue and the air was quite fresh.    The Felsted School is very big that include many ancient buildings,several huge greens,a swimming pool etc. Our dormitory and the study building are two new buildings. The style of the dormitory is very beautiful and lovely. I love it just as my house. When I lived in it with my friends, it was full of the harmony.   

Every day we have an abundant time table:

   Wake up at 7.30a.m.

   Rollcall 8:00a.m.

   English lesson 8:30 - 12:00




   Cooking/Make out of paper/Sherlock Homes/Fly things


   Evening activities


   Among these,I will introduce some the most impressive things.The first weekend we went go skating. It’s different from Chinese skating. We skated on the real ice. It’s so difficult that I couldn’t hold myself when I first stepped onto the ice. Luckily the staff and the helpful students helped me and I began to learn a little more and more. It’s a very amazing process that you found yourself learn a new thing. However, I found the difference between foreign students and Chinese students.They are all very used to the different kinds of amusements like skating, but we don’t. One reason is that the Chinese cities always lack this kind of equipment ,another reason is that Chinese students are so busy with their study every day so that have no time to relax.   

Our English lessons are all very interesting. We created our own super heroes, our own restaurants,etc. For example,one of our English politics lesson set a debate about if it’s better to watch TV than Reading . My team was against the topic.Though we lost the debate at last,we learn a lot about how to teamwork, help each other and how to discuss instead of arguing.   

Another very important lesson for me is Science.We did dissection that lesson. At first, we thought it was so disgusting and horrible. We were asked to dissect the heart of pig and the rat. I was so afraid that I couldn’t see the dissected things in front of me. My partner did that at the beginning. Later, I decided to challenge myself and began to hand the knife to dissect. I admit that it was quite disgusting but I knew that I must have to do that. In the rest time, I kept joining in the dissection and finished it successfully. I was very excited when the staff gave me 3 stars for my bravery.   

The evening activities are also very amazing and interesting. Every night the staff organized different activities for us. Every Friday evening we learnt Bollywood Dancing. It’s interesting for me because I have never danced this kind of dancing. Indian music and attractive actions matched very well. When my friends danced, they look just like beautiful butterflies. Chinese students are not very good at dancing, but we tried our best to do it and enjoyed it .   

Another night we played a game named Murder Mystery. When we arrived the place to join the activity. One of the staff was lying on the sofa with eyes closed. His skin looked more pale than usual.Then the staff was announced to be dead. And we need to find out the murderer. We’ve got some evidence and riddles. We need to work out the riddles to find the answer and the answer would tell us where to go and who to ask. We worked together and thought together. At last, one team won the game and got the reward. However, we didn’t care about the result but the process. We enjoyed ourselves, that’s the most important.The last night we went to play bowling. I loved it for it’s easy to learn.Every one encouraged me when I got a good record.  

Every Wednesday night we watched Harry potter. It’s hard to understand the word without Chinese. However, I tried to listen carefully and thought carefully.It turns out that I could understand the most part of the film and I believed that I had got progress in my English.  

We also had days out. My favorite trip is to the Zoo. In the zoo,we saw a lot of amazing animals like zebras, giraffes,elephants,monkeys,etc.It’s very big and it makes us busy at looking around all the time. We have a quite good time in the zoo. Another trip to the amusement park was fantastic too. I like the roller coaster. But many persons in my group thought it is scaring. They dare not play it and I was not allowed to play it because of my physical disease. It was a pity. One of the week we went to Cambridge and went Punteen. We have never visited a school by boat. The staff rowed the boat introduced every building and place. The King’s College is so grand that I could never forget it.During those weeks, we had went out for shopping several times.Shopping with friends felt quite good. We walked together,talked about the things funny and laughed out loud.  

This summer I made a lot of friends from different countries.Valentina,Mara,Caroline are from Germany. Valeriia is from Russia.Adam, Hana are from England.They are the best friend of my friend. In the different activities the friends helped me a lot. We created many things in class like unicorn machine, restaurant, etc. They made a wonderful part of my memory. I really appreciate it  that they brought me such an amazing experience. 

I will remember all the things happening this summer forever. This will be an important experience in my life.

信息录入:gjb    责任编辑:gjb 
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