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Travelling Report Of the U.K.
作者:程耘  文章来源:本站原创  点击数617  更新时间:2016-9-28 10:45:29  文章录入:gjb  责任编辑:gjb

 As it is known to all,many differences lies between the U.K. and China.But as the saying goes,”To see something once is better than to hear adout  it a hundred times”my jounery to the U.K. has filled in many blanks of my thoughts.

As soon as I arrived in London,the different style of buliding caught my attention.Different  from the trend to have tall and splendid buildings in China,the British seems to be more fond of practical use.Comparing the Hearhthrow Airport with Pudong Airport,the front one is more elegant in construction style.

It is easy to ignore that the U.K. is actually quite close to the Arctic Circle.So it is nartually still bright at 10 in the evening, which surprised me a lot at first.

As we were going to Felsted on highway,I realized another interesting fact about differences between the U.K. and China.As it is natural to have straight highways instead of cases like mountains and lakes in China, highways in the U.K. are often built without changing the original landscape.As a result ,the highways are usually winding and rolling.On the other hand ,highways in the U.K. are closer to nature and have good sights of landscapes due to the absense of fences.

Apart from highways,many aspects of British lifestyle show strong care for nature and the willingness to go into the nature.

Take the example of grass fields.Although it is forbidden to walk on grass in CHina ,the British are used to taking a walk on grass fields,even without shoes sometimes.This is related to not only the level of environment  protection,but also the different attitude towards “wild nature”.Talking from my personal experience,Chinese parents are more concerned about safety and health while British parents believe it is the most important to have fun and discover the real interest of different indivivuals.

Apart from this,taking evidence from their chatting tongue,walking style,working speed and various sense of humour,I conclude that  the life of the British is ,as the U.K. is ,”developed”.Unlike our life of rushing and hard work,their life is slower and they do know how to truly live a life,to enjoy life.There lies advantages in both styles.To be relaxed or to be busy,both of them can lead to spiritual comfort.To develop fast or to develop stably and healthy,both of the ways have the point of its exsitence.

As to me, I believe its possible to balance btween them and thus  reach the health speed of development,for both individuals and countries.

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